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Healthy, Inspiring & Purposeful people know that appreciation is the highest form of prayer, for it acknowledges the presence of good wherever you shine the light of your thankful thoughts. As we continue the preparation for feasts and festivities, let us pause to consider the invitation for transformation that the Thanksgiving Holiday offers us.

Certainly, we should  experience a heightened awareness of gratitude along with numerous reminders of the abundant nature of Life. We ought to count our blessings and acknowledge Spirit as the Source of all good. Then, there is the profound practice of appreciation – expressing our gratitude, high regard and enjoyment – acknowledging something or someone’s intrinsic or essential value or worth.

I have experienced and witnessed the power of appreciation to inspire, restore, reassure and heal. I have observed individuals lifted out of the depths of darkness and despair when the light of acknowledgment and appreciation illuminated their diminished spirits.

As we give thanks and appreciate more, we have more to be thankful for and to appreciate. An explanation offered by quantum physics for this dynamic is that the act of paying attention to something increases the possibility that it will continue to occur – where attention goes, energy flows. What we focus on multiplies and increases. What we appreciate, appreciates.

May this Thanksgiving holiday be a portal for deepening into your practice of expressing appreciation and gratitude and of expanding your capacity for generosity and receptivity.

H.I.P.Affirmation:I deepen into my practice of expressing appreciation and gratitude with full awareness that this activity of my consciousness makes a profound and powerful contribution to all of humanity.

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