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Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world. -Harriet Tubman

This is a time of celebration! This is a time of renewal! This is a time of rebirth! It is a time to count the many ways we love whom we love. It is a time to bask resplendent in this love, to cherish and to feast, to praise and to exalt, to elevate and to celebrate. It is a time to rejoice, and above all, it is a time to behold! It’s a time to be generous.

We behold the child within and we stand in awe of the wonder that is life—life teeming with possibility and incandescent joy, life pulsating with radiant potentiality and dreams made visible. For unto us a child is born, unto us a child is given!

We behold the messiah within and bring it offerings of gold, frankincense and myrrh. For we are each the anointed one, and at the intersection of our humanity and divinity lies true salvation. We are each the promised one—the fulfillment of a divine prophecy born when creation first yielded to possibility and birthed everything and everyone.

We are alpha-omega consciousness leapfrogging and boomeranging throughout the universe. We are king of kings, and lord of lords! We reign divinely supreme.

We remember we are here to give birth to our glorious Selves, and to midwife a brave new world, a world that works for everyone. In this season of starry skies and hallelujah choruses, we keep our light in our windows, offering refuge to those who may have forgotten their way home. In this season of reasoning no more, we journey across vast deserts of unbelief, making the miraculous leap from mind to heart to rapture. We remember who we truly are: We are each the Christ and we light up the world, one loving thought, one grace-filled gesture at a time. This is what it mean to live the H.I.P. life.

Go tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere: I am the miracle the world needs now. I am the light of the world.

The best gift you can give this holiday season and all year round is your Presence in the PRESENT….

*We Hope For You A Safe, Joy Filled & Happy Holiday Weekend and So It Is*

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