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It is said that there is a very fine line between LOVE and hate. That is true if you are dealing with the worlds’ concept of LOVE, which is ownership rather than sufficiency. Many people believe themselves to be empty of LOVE. They then look for someone to LOVE them to fill the void. This creates attachment and whenever you are attached to someone and are depending upon them for your good, then you either hate or you LOVE in a leaning way. Attachment is not LOVE. “Dependency Is Not LOVE”. 

Divine LOVE makes no demand upon anyone. It expects nothing of anyone. It does not try to change anyone. Anger or hate is really a result of dependency, of looking for your good from someone else. People are never going to be what you want them to be. They are never going to agree with you or give to you what you desire all the time. When you are dependent upon someone you always resent them, yet our need to get something always makes us dependent. LOVE seeks nothing of anyone. To put a price on LOVE is saying that you do not know what LOVE it.

LOVE is impartial in that it does not demand anything of anyone. LOVE permits everyone to be what they are – themselves. LOVE permits others to think for themselves, to come up with their own answers. We think we are expressing LOVE when we want others to change their ways so that they will be more acceptable to us and others. Or we ourselves try to change so that we will be acceptable to the object of our LOVE. We are now dependent upon what we want to change. We are now dependent upon getting someone to agree with us. LOVE has departed and dependency has taken over. Dependency takes away your health, freedom, joy, because we only have what we give. We only have what we send out and if there are no strings attached, then it is LOVE and the Law creates accordingly. We often feel that because we LOVE someone then we now have the right to tell them what they are doing wrong. But LOVE does not try to change anyone. We feel that our complaining and criticism is constructive and so we tell them what we feel they should know. We only criticize and complain because there is something within our own consciousness that needs to be clarified. What you are complaining about is really your issue. What we criticize we are dependent upon and we are dependent because we do not know who and what we really are – made in God’s image and likeness – spiritual Beings.

God is LOVE / I AM LOVE. God as LOVE is independent of anyone as being cause. God’s LOVE is impersonal in that it is non-leaning, non-attached. We only have what we give and what we express. What we express and whatever we are expressing Mind/ God , is creating, giving back to us. Be very aware of what you’re giving and your attachments. Deepen your understanding of LOVE and allow Divine LOVE to guide your steps. This LOVE will guide your purpose, your dreams and your desires and open the doors to new opportunities. Continue sharing with us this month on the principle of LOVE.

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 Until Next Time…“Give Yourself Permission To Being   Your Best Self”

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