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If money or time were not a concern what would you do with your life? Is your vision for your life so powerful that you’re afraid to look it squarely in the eye? Or perhaps you have more modest dreams that are incredible important to your health and well-being.

Know this, dreams are whispers from your soul. I love hearing that. What dreams do you have for your life? It might be:

  • Starting A New Business
  • Meeting Your Soul Mate
  • Becoming A Bestselling Author
  • Raising Funds For A School In Other Countries

Manifesting those heartfelt, inspiring visions is at the heart of living a life you love – filled with work that you love. But while most of us are good seeing the dream, the vision, I bet if you’re like many people, you can also get hung up at times in the actual manifesting part. If these dreams are on hold, it’s very likely that your heart is quietly breaking.

Or perhaps you are doing the work you were born to do but the money isn’t flowing in. Something is getting in you way be it money, fear, lack of time, beliefs and behaviors.  Many of us hesitate to stop into our vision or desired reality because we believe we are not worthy or we must become a better person before we can put ourselves our there. Some people call this belief “Fraud Guilt” or “Imposter Anxiety” . We believe that if people knew the truth about us, they would realize we are a phony or we are not qualified.

Such an attitude is a trick of the mind to keep us in a small seemingly safe zone. We are not meant to live in our safety or comfort zone, we are meant to live in our vision zone. You may be far more qualified than you accept. You can overcome these obstacles to having the life you desire with the right support you can turn the whispers from your soul into the life of your dreams. Go Find It.

Affirm: Dreams are whispers from my soul, previews of the life I am destined to live. I am willing to listen NOW, I am willing to live the life that is seeking to emerge from my soul.

To Listen To Audio Affirmations Click H.I.P. Inspirations

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