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Class Acts teach others how to treat them with esteem. They treat others with thoughtfulness and care, dignity and respect. If you’re always sloppy, late and don’t care how you conduct yourself, you’re going to attract people who treat you in a sloppy, always late and don’t care manner. Who wants that for themselves? I hope not you…Certain  people command a certain level of respect not only because of how they treat others, but more importantly, because of how they treat themselves.

When You establish a higher level of personal standards, not only do you get better treatment from those around you but suddenly you also begin attracting others with the same elevated standards – this you do want! You get invited to places where those standards exist and your energy and drive will shift.

Class Act individuals have the ability to transform seemingly insignificant situations into something enjoyable, meaningful and memorable, because of their conscious thinking and actions. They are creators rather than merely consumers and they constantly enrich the lives of others by introducing greater beauty, significance, uniqueness and stimulation into every experience.

Because Class Acts are in touch with their own humanity they have the deeper understanding and compassion for the humanity of others. They feel inextricably linked to others, are compassionate about human failures and are courteous in the midst of conflict.

Hallmarks Of These Characters Are: Courtesy, respect, appreciation, gratitude and generosity or spirit. They are usually establishing and achieving higher goals – constantly growing and developing as well as add value to the world. In pushing boundaries for themselves they always set out to do the same for others around them – they exert for the freedom to express their uniqueness in the world.

Nicely Put Class Acts are energy creators rather than energy drainers (check who you are hanging around with). Are you or your friends building confidence in self and others? Consciously choosing your governing ideals and creating structures that support the fulfillment of your aspirations and capabilities? This is definitely structures you want to ensure surrounds you. Don’t waste your time and energy driving down roads that does not support the best in you. Let your community be one of creativity, cooperation, progress and growth…. That’s a drive worth taking..

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