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With most of our communities fragmented

And at odds within themselves we are called upon to change the existing context of community. Shifting it from one of deficiencies, interest and entitlement to one of possibility, generosity and gifts. In this endeavor questions are more important than answers, which means leadership is not a matter of style or vision but it is about getting the right people together in the right way.

A transformational community creates the environment and context for individuals to evolve, grow and contribute their gifts to creating a world that works for all. The context that leads to creating transformational communities are:

You’re a community of possibilities, not a community of problems.

Your community exists for the sake of belonging and takes its identity from the gifts, generosity and accountability for its members. It is not defined by its fears, its isolation or its penchant for retribution.

You currently have all the capacity, expertise, programs, leaders and wealth required to end unnecessary suffering and create an alternative future of creating a world that works for everyone.

Care and accountability makes up your healthy community. When members of a community care for each other, they become accountable to each other.

The efficient use of small group as the unit of transformation is utilized. It is in the structure of how small groups gather that an alternative future will be created.

All transformation is linguistic, which means that we can think of community as essentially a conversation. Then we act on the principle if we want to change the community, all we have to do is change the conversation.

From one of problems, fears and retribution to one of possibility, generosity and restoration.

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