Knowing Ourselves


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I have been thinking

Lately about the amount of time spent getting to know others. The consistent strife to find out what another person is thinking or doing, the constant trying to be in the know game. I was sitting at a graduation yesterday that Charles had to address the graduates. The group of friends next to me never spoke a word to each other. They were busy on their phones watching videos (without a headset I might add) or text messaging. Charles and I got into the conversation of why this was so. Is the person next to you not your friend? Do you not find them interesting?

It is fascinating to me sometimes how much contemplation doesn’t even take place because something or someone must hold your attention. Are people still enjoying “people watching” or observing their environment so as to learn something new?

Here are some tips I would like to share with you for getting to knowing yourselves on a deeper level:

1. Start with self assessment. Become self – aware to your feelings, reactions and actions under different environment and circumstances.

2. Find small pockets on time throughout your day to self – reflect and then journal all that came up for you. Also carve out the time to pray regularly (a master should be praying without cease)

3. Find out what your strengths are. They are many assessments available on line that you can take to help you with this as well as you could ask persons you trust.

5. Keeping in context of self- assessment ask others that you trust and value their opinions to help you identify your weaknesses. Take these into your journal and prayer time as you seek insights on how to integrate these qualities.

6. Don’t gloss or slide over your issues but be positive and realistic. Eliminate your negative self- talk using discipline and practice and begin to LIKE yourself. Note I use the word LIKE.

Use these tips to support you in connecting with yourself deeply and daily.

Keep us posted on the progress.

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