Archive for the ‘H.I.P. Coaches’ Category

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Have there been times in your life

When you were anticipating something – a gift, an answer to your prayer, a phone call, a parking space; a short line, finding something lost, a person to show up or someone to stop talking or start talking etc etc and you were told to be patient?
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So many times we look outside of ourselves

To find the perfect design of life but truly I am coming to believe more and more that my perfect design is all within me. The perfect design that I lust and hunger after is woven so delicately in all moments that if one should blink they would miss it. All of life moves with such synchronicity! At least that’s what I believe.
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Injecting LOVE


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We have before us the glorious opportunity to inject

A new dimension of love into the veins of our civilization. On this our transformative journey, our deep longing for and expression of love is the key to our individual healing and that of the world at large. When we turn our attention to the news locally and internationally we see the cries taking place for a better tomorrow or a better moment. Often times the foundations and charities go out immediately to help but we must get to that space when we ask the question and then what?
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posted by | on H.I.P. Coaches, Healthy Living, Inspirational, Personal Development, Self-development, transformation | Comments Off on Subtracting To Happiness

Many people have been taught that the way to happiness is by adding.

They spend a great deal of time and energy in trying to add all they want to their lives, thinking that the more they add, the happier they’ll be. Today I want you to take a different approach, instead of adding, BE and SUBTRACT.
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With most of our communities fragmented

And at odds within themselves we are called upon to change the existing context of community. Shifting it from one of deficiencies, interest and entitlement to one of possibility, generosity and gifts. In this endeavor questions are more important than answers, which means leadership is not a matter of style or vision but it is about getting the right people together in the right way.

A transformational community creates the environment and context for individuals to evolve, grow and contribute their gifts to creating a world that works for all. The context that leads to creating transformational communities are:
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posted by | on H.I.P. Coaches, Healthy Living,, Inspirational, Integrative Coach, Personal Development, Self-development, transformation, Uncategorized | Comments Off on How To Expect More NOT Less Of Self & Each Other

Below are some tips that will support you in breaking through the limited expectations surrounding you and rising to new heights and demonstrations  in your life:

1. Be true to who you are. Stop trying to please other people or be someone else. It’s better to be an original version of yourself than an exact duplicate of someone else.

2. Discover your big why (purpose) for living. One that will drive you to live your life to the fullest.
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posted by | on H.I.P. Coaches,, Inspirational, Integrative Coach, Personal Development, Self-development, transformation, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Do You Have A Clear Direction For Your Life?

Are you still getting ready by sleepwalking?

Do you know the vision that is seeking to be birth as your life?  Sleepwalkers are people who go through their lives in an unconscious state. They are not fully aware of who they are, the larger context of life they are a part of and or their real purpose in life.

Sleepwalkers look like any one of us, but are really just physical shells living through their lives as drones.  Have you ever seen people who have no clarity on their life?  People who live on a day by day basis never thinking about the future or what they really want? These people are not able to articulate what their life is about…
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Have you ever received THAT phone call….. from someone you know with the news they just broke-up with their spouse or long-term live in partner because of infidelity? Did the news make you so upset that it sent you searching for answers?

That happened to me recently and this is a brief reason as to perhaps why this happened. I am in no way giving an excuse or justifying such behavior, just offering something to think about.
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How can you tell if you are a perfectionist?

A Perfectionist is someone who holds the underlying belief that perfection can be attained and it should be. Many people in our world today are perfectionists or have been perfectionists at some point in their lives. Personally, I’m not a perfectionist but I’m a person who strives for excellence, always setting the highest standards for myself and never expecting anything less to be a world-class person.

*Are you a perfectionist or a person of excellence? How can you tell?

1. You are highly conscious and hypocritical of mistakes (perfectionist). You are your harshest critic and have an extremely sharp eye toward details (excellence)
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posted by | on Debbie Ford, H.I.P. Coaches,, Inspirational, Integrative Coach, Life Coaching, Personal Development, Relationship Coaching, Self-development, Shadow Work, transformation | Comments Off on If You Don’t Like Your Outcomes, Change 1 Of 2 Things

We have been conditioned to blame something outside of ourselves

For the parts of our lives we don’t like. We blame our parents, our bosses, our friends, the media, our coworkers, our lack of money, our spouse, the weather, the economy, our astrological chart, God, anyone or anything we can pin the blame on. We never want to look at where the real problem is – OURSELVES

To achieve major success in life – to achieve those things that are most important to you – you must assume 100% responsibility for your life. Nothing less will do.

*If something doesn’t turn our as planned some of the questions you can begin to ask yourself are:
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