Archive for the ‘purpose’ Category

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The secret of peace is open to the crack between the past and the future and live in the moment we are in. ~ Coach T

How many times have you heard, ‘your thoughts create your life?”  The thoughts we focus on the most are the ones that influence our emotional states, our behaviors, actions and the results in our lives. Some thoughts are empowering and support us in creating productive, magical and fulfilling lives. Other thoughts are debilitating, creating stress and suffering, while stifling our growth, happiness and progress. Some thoughts are based in reality, other thoughts are made up in the mind and not true.

Can you identify with this quote from Mark Twain – ‘I spent half my life worrying about things that never happened.’ How many of us spend our time regretting the past or worrying about the future when the present moment just slips by with a kind of subtle or not so subtle indifference?  Why do so many of us live in fear and worry when there is a better way? What is a better way?

Next time you find yourself regretting the past or worrying about the future remember this – you can’t change the past or force the next moment to come sooner, so don’t worry about it right now. Go out and do something for yourself instead. Imagine this as the last opportunity you will have to do what you are doing. Savor the present moment. The next time you have to wait in line, use this free time as an opportunity to take notice of the world. This is a path to peace. Remember, how we spend our days in how we spend our lives.


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“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is more people who have come alive.” ~ Howard Thurman

You are here for a reason! Your soul is eternally calling you in the direction of your highest path. The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away. When you find your gift, you would have found what lights you up. And when you find what lights you up, your calling is to give it away.

We follow our calling by following what lights us up. Your light is contagious. Your inner light is craving to be shared by those around you, by the world at large – but mostly by you. When you share your unique light bit by bit, you light up lives around you. And one by one, you inspire them to light up too. It’s a chain reaction. And before long the whole world lights up. Your light is contagious.
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posted by | on Awareness, Being Healthy, Coaching, H.I.P. Coaches, HIP Movement,, Inspirational, Inspiring, Inspiring Visions, Life Coaching, Living on purpose, Personal Development, purpose, Relationship Coaching, Self-development, Spirituality, transformation | Comments Off on The Light Of Your Presence

 It is unimaginable because your experiences are different from another individual. They are feeling and seeing differently from you in each moment. An opinion or “solution giving” may just not be what’s needed.

I have been thinking about the concept of “walking in another man shoe” and what I have concluded for me is that the task is impossible. I can only stand in the gap with you whether in silence, with a hug or smile but the words often fail me. In fact the more silence that I can bring into the space will be the more opportunity for the inspiration of Spirit to flow into my heart, up to the brain and out my mouth.

You see the light I choose to share these days is the light of my presence. It may lead into “how can I support you?” but it definitely starts with my presence. To fully show up for someone else could be the act of lighting someone else’s candle. It could be just what the other person need in order to grow through the opening of their heart.
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“A perfectionist is a person who takes great pains, and gives even greater pain to others.”

I came across this thought recently and had to pause for a moment. The endless pursuit of perfection is a psychological sickness that destroys all possibilities of inner growth. It destroys the beingness of our uniqueness and talents as one goes about attempting to attain the impossible. Everybody is trying to be perfect. And the moment somebody starts trying to be perfect he starts expecting everybody else to be perfect. This is the misery of the impossible goal. Condemning, humiliating and giving unsolicited opinions to others ruin the authenticity of self and relationships.

One then begins to feel guilty when he awakens from the illusion that he cannot be perfect. This awakening can come with much sadness and hurt as one loses respect for self and ultimately all others. Imagine what it would be like hanging around this person. The truth is we are hanging around or being this person every day. A perfectionist takes time day and night in the fight with self to be something he or she cannot be and makes those around them very miserable.
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Are you tired of people pleasing?

Are you over not meeting other people’s expectation for you? Give yourself permission to be your best self then. Now is the time to take back control of your life. Too often we spend our days seeking the approval of those around us and end up living a life of misery.

For me people pleasing started very early. I recall feeling a sense of not enough after my mother migrated and left me with my relatives. Here I was a dark-skinned little girl surrounded by family and siblings that I thought didn’t look like me. Yes, I knew in kindergarten that I looked different from my sisters because those around me made it known. I sought so hard to be loved and accepted. To simply be liked and considered beautiful. Little did I know that this thought pattern would follow me into my adult years.
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“H.I.P. people are grateful to know that going against their intuition only leads to misery. Be H.I.P. Follow your intuition” ~ Coach T

Being on the go in the norm in today’s society. In fact one is expected to be constantly connected and moving whether in thoughts or deeds. The more apps and gadgets you have at your disposal is perhaps directly correlated to your importance and busyness and to how informed you are as a citizen of the world. It is becoming increasingly imperative to give into the demand of constant connection.

Having the opportunity to see the different age population make their adjustments is fascinating. The younger folks are more easily sold on this way of life ( be mindful some of them are not familiar with any other way). Usually during some one-off occasions I will meet a youth that is apprehensive and refuse to be caught in the web. The truth revealed is that the ones I have met are more closely related to a family situation where (1) they are fully aware of the old ways of doing things (2) their guardians are in absolute resistance of the new way too. The mature generation is also just as fascinating. Some are in total fear and resistance while some are jumping in head first, not to be left behind.
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posted by | on Awareness, Being Healthy, Breakthrough Shadow Coaching, Healthy Living,, Inspirational, Inspiring, Integrative Coach, Life Coaching, Living on purpose, purpose, Relationship Coaching, Shadow Work, transformation | Comments Off on Divine Is Not In Confusion

“H.I.P. people know that confusion is a game we play to keep ourselves stuck in mediocrity. Be H.I.P. Practice trusting your heart.” ~ Coach T

There is an old proverb that says “God is not in confusion” (substitute God for what is appropriate to you) and I cannot tell you how many times this mantra / proverb has parted the red seas of my mind. By simply breathing in and repeating it to self a few times I have been able to pause and gather myself.

Often times you will find that whenever a shift or decision needs to be made some stuff will present itself before you. This usually happen because of fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of the repercussions or fear of the newness that is seeking to express itself in your life.  There are also times when you experience gridlock in communication, with no solutions in sight…. Divine is not in confusion! Getting a clear sense of direction is very important during these times. In fact it is best to refrain from any or all life altering decisions when confusion is your state.
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posted by | on Being Healthy, Breakthrough Shadow Coaching, Healthy Living, Inspirational, Integrative Coach, Life Coaching, Personal Development, purpose, Relationship Coaching, Self-development, Shadow Work, transformation | Comments Off on It’s Your Choice! Peace or Control?

“H.I.P. people are aware that peace of mind comes from not wanting to change others. Be H.I.P. stop trying to change others.”

Chances are  you have people in your life whose behavior you wish you could change. Your romantic partner might be putting on a little weight. Your parents may complain too much. Your best friend won’t look for a new job, even though she hates the job she has now.

Once you notice these annoyances, it is natural to want to push people to change. However, is it actually possible to change someone’s  behavior? Should you even try? At what price? When we have the urge to try to change someone we are really saying that we are not satisfied with our own Self, we are not at peace with ourselves, for it is our own Self through which we see, hear and judge. Whenever we try to improve someone we are in some way moving into physical or mental manipulation or into the psychological approach and you are ultimately dealing with the effects rather than with cause.
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posted by | on Awareness,, Inspiration, Inspirational, Inspiring, leadership, Living on purpose, Personal Development, purpose, Self-development | Comments Off on 10 Commandments of Leadership

One of our staple business expense is an annual subscription to Success Magazine.

It is perhaps one of the most exciting times to the mail box monthly and then of course there is that fight of who gets to listen to the cd first. But we enjoy this magazine because it is current and rich with information that supports us as entrepreneurs to consistently live on purpose. The information is practical and for me I am always excited to see who is on the cover and what insights can I get to take us to the next level.

I don’t remember what issue we got these commandments from but if you aren’t a subscriber we want to share this information with you so that you too can be inspired. Get the magazine monthly, you will definitely not be disappointed! Share with us if you are already practicing any of these commandments, which and how is it working for you:
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