Archive for the ‘spiritual partnership’ Category

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The ability to focus completely on what your partner is sharing and not sharing and to understand the meaning of what is said in the context of your partner’s desires is called active listening. This art can be practiced and developed over time if you consciously choose to do some cleanup work on yourself. It is imperative that the cleanup process takes place as active listening calls for you to be open and free from your own personal agendas.

Making yourself available in this way is also a memorable and sexy trait that is love’s first duty. Having developed this skill your partner will sense or feel into the space of deep connection with you as you allow him or her to vent and get clear without judgment or interruptions.
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posted by | on Being Healthy, Breakthrough Shadow Coaching, Forgiveness,, Inspirational, Personal Development, Relationship Coaching, Self-development, Shadow Work, spiritual partnership | Comments Off on Are You Attracted To Someone Else??

You can’t prevent yourself or your partner from having an attraction to someone else.

Attraction is a natural part of life. It will happen.  Energy is just energy. If you suppress that natural flow of attraction, what will often happen is that you will end up disconnecting from a part of yourself, which in turn affect the flow of chemistry between you and your partner.

If you let them know how you feel up front, they at least have a choice whether to continue in the relationship with you or not, rather than being there under false pretense. If you both agree to be monogamous and faithful to each other, then honor that commitment. But if it’s not your authentic truth and you are simply agreeing to what you think you should, then you are already being unfaithful to yourself and your partner.
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posted by | on Being Healthy, Breakthrough Shadow Coaching,, Inspirational, Personal Development, Relationship Coaching, Self-development, Shadow Work, spiritual partnership | 1 comment

To love, trust and honor yourself is the ultimate foundation for any relationship.

The relationship with yourself is mirrored in the relationship with the partners that you attract into your life. Each moment we are at choice –  a choice to choose love or a choice to choose fear. A choice to cheat or a choice to live with integrity. Every relationship is the opportunity to practice integrity and to live your spirituality in everyday life. When you don’t honor what you truly feel or your deepest truth in a relationship, you cheat on yourself and this is when unfaithfulness begins.
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posted by | on, Integrative Coach, Life Coaching, Relationship Coaching, Self-development, Shadow Work, spiritual partnership, transformation | Comments Off on Steps To Building Trust

“H.I.P. people know that trust is relationship and relationship is trust. No relationship, no trust. Trust is the glue that holds relationships together and allow it to evolve. Be H.I.P. Cultivate trust in your relationships.” ~ Coach T

Trust is the essential precondition upon which all successful relationships depends, upon which all real success in life depends. Without it nothing can be built or maintained. Yet, increasingly we find ourselves in a world where our methods to address distrust are insufficient.

As with most subject matters of the heart there are levels and levels upon which trust can be addressed. I am going to share two that may appear simple but are powerful if practiced consistently. They are in no particular order.
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posted by | on H.I.P. Coaches,, Inspirational, Integrative Coach, Life Coaching, Personal Development, Relationship Coaching, Self-development, Shadow Work, spiritual partnership | Comments Off on Being A Class Act Can Change You

Class Acts teach others how to treat them with esteem. They treat others with thoughtfulness and care, dignity and respect. If you’re always sloppy, late and don’t care how you conduct yourself, you’re going to attract people who treat you in a sloppy, always late and don’t care manner. Who wants that for themselves? I hope not you…Certain  people command a certain level of respect not only because of how they treat others, but more importantly, because of how they treat themselves.
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posted by | on Healthy Living, Integrative Coach, Personal Development, Relationship Coaching, Self-development, spiritual partnership | Comments Off on 10 Signs Of A Healthy Relationship

Are you experiencing a healthy relationship? Find out by answering yes to as many of the signs below as possible. Support is always available to move you forward in having the life of your dreams if need.

Here goes:

1. You feel secure and happy when you’re together and alone – not sad, suspicious, angry or deprived.

2. You are inspired by each other to fulfill your dreams and become the best you can be.

3. You are generous and giving – you want to give all you can to your partner and are so fulfilled that you also want to give to everyone else around you.
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posted by | on Healthy Living, Integrative Coach, Personal Development, Relationship Coaching, Self-development, spiritual partnership | Comments Off on 10 Signs Of An Unhealthy Relationship

How do you know if you’re in an unhealthy relationship? Let me show you the ways…. Answer yes to some or most of the signs listed below and chances are you need HELP. Support is always available to move you forward in having the life of your dreams.

Here goes:

1. You feel insecure and weak around each other.

2. Your trust is irrevocably broken.

3. Priorities other than each other constantly present themselves.
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posted by | on H.I.P. Coaches,, Integrative Coach, Life Coaching, Personal Development, Relationship Coaching, Self-development, Shadow Work, spiritual partnership | Comments Off on 10 Signs He/She Is The One For You

Sometimes, I have to stop in wonder and say to myself – wow how did I find the perfect woman to share this life journey of soul unfoldment?  Yes, it took quite some time and work but boy was it worth it. Early on, after meeting my wife, Shakira, I knew she was the one for me. How did I know.

Let me share the ways – well 10 ways I used to informed myself, maybe they can help you…
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Pivotal Moments


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It takes courage to look at our lives honestly. Really, it does – most of the time we just talk ourselves into being satisfied with the norm. But then at the most pivotal moments in our life something happens. There is a rumbling from some unknown place within us that tells us more of the same isn’t an option. We have a flash that there is something greater. We sense something brighter and have a taste or an inkling of a life that is more real and more fulfilling than the one we are currently living. We have caught a vision for our life.
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posted by | on H.I.P. Coaches,, Integrative Coach, Life Coaching, Personal Development, Relationship Coaching, Shadow Work, spiritual partnership | Comments Off on How To Prepare For Your Marriage

In my 23 plus years of counseling over 100 couples I cannot begin to express the number of times couples come before me, some dating for a number of years, and yet it is during premarital sessions that certain things are revealed. Preparing for your marriage, well a successful marriage, will mean that you take immediate action after engagement.

Some steps in preparing yourself for a successful marriage are:
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