Posts Tagged ‘authentic living’

posted by | on Breakthrough Shadow Coaching, Coaching, H.I.P. Coaches, Healthy Living, Integrative Coach, Personal Development, Relationship Coaching, Self-development, Shadow Work, transformation | Comments Off on Making Friends With Fear

It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.

Being who we really are, expressing ourselves honestly, being bold and going for what we want in life can cause a great deal of fear in us. Many of us run away or hide from our fears because they seem scary, uncomfortable or embarrassing. However, most things that will help us to grow in life doesn’t show up without any fear at all.

As we strive to live with authenticity, it’s inevitable that we will encounter quite a bit of fear along our path. Most of us erroneously think that as we evolve in life our goal should be to get rid of fear. Unfortunately, completely ridding ourselves of fear isn’t possible or even desirable. Fear is an essential part of growth and can be used in a positive way for authenticity and fulfillment – if we are willing to deal with it in a direct, honest and conscious way.
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posted by | on Awareness, Being Healthy, Healthy Living,, Inspirational, Living on purpose, Personal Development, purpose, Self-development, Shadow Work, transformation | 1 comment

Are you tired of people pleasing?

Are you over not meeting other people’s expectation for you? Give yourself permission to be your best self then. Now is the time to take back control of your life. Too often we spend our days seeking the approval of those around us and end up living a life of misery.

For me people pleasing started very early. I recall feeling a sense of not enough after my mother migrated and left me with my relatives. Here I was a dark-skinned little girl surrounded by family and siblings that I thought didn’t look like me. Yes, I knew in kindergarten that I looked different from my sisters because those around me made it known. I sought so hard to be loved and accepted. To simply be liked and considered beautiful. Little did I know that this thought pattern would follow me into my adult years.
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posted by | on Being Healthy,, Living on purpose, Personal Development, Self-development, transformation | Comments Off on Unprocessed Emotions Keeping You Stuck..?

Authenticity is about being willing to grow and change in order to be who you were born to be. To be willing to grow and change, your mind has to open and validate your quest. Authenticity is not for those who want to maintain the status quo. Our mind is an incredible instrument. It serves as a filter between your conscious and unconscious life, defining what is acceptable and real. If it happen to be filled with false ideas, limitations or fears about inner work, it will create a mental boundary and we can get stuck in non-growth. Your mind must give permission for your heart to open.
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posted by | on Being Healthy,, Living on purpose, Personal Development, Relationship Coaching, Self-development, transformation | Comments Off on Authentic Self-Expression Is…

Nothing for me is more profound that experiencing a room filled with toddlers that are uninhibited and filled with authentic self-expression. There are no filters to the words they speak or even the language of their bodies. Sometimes I am able to experience this with kindergarteners but the subtle signs of conditioning are already settling in. They are already being told that their movements are inappropriate and certain expectations from parents and adults are made known.

With toddlers the beauty of others and the world are fresh and filled with curiosity. The bewilderment in their eyes is contagious. Sadly, by the time they get to first grade the light is dim and only a flicker is often time visible. When they become adults the struggle becomes real when there is an attempt to recapture this state of being. To be hopeful and filled with possibilities when so much has told you the opposite of your beingness. Certainly there is a level of undoing and untethering that must take place to find this space within again.
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