Posts Tagged ‘blogtalk’

posted by | on Being Healthy,, Inspirational, Integrative Coach, Personal Development, Relationship Coaching, Self-development, Shadow Work | 1 comment


Means by which the self knows who it is and who it isn’t. They determine not only where I end and you begin but the space between us. It is essential that couples aspiring the live H.I.P. lives and experience H.I.P. relationships cultivate healthy boundaries in which to flourish.

The boundaries you establish will support you in dealing with intimacy, loneliness, conflict, anxiety, stress and challenge at every stage of your life. They are integral to how your identity is constructed. What I like to say is ” some people are on the patio and some make it to your bedroom.” Clear boundaries will allow you to speak with confidence and assurance what you are willing to accept and really just how much you value yourself.
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