Posts Tagged ‘purpose’

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Big idea: your days are your life in miniature.

As you live your hours, so you create your years. As you live your days so you shape your life. What you do today is actually creating your future. The words you speak, the thoughts you think, the food you eat and the actions you take or do not take are defining your destiny – shaping who you are becoming and what your life will stand for. Small choices lead to giant consequences over time. There’s no such thing as an unimportant day or choices.
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posted by | on HIP Movement,, Inspiring, Life Coaching, Living on purpose, Personal Development, purpose, Relationship Coaching, Spiritual, transformation | 1 comment

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is more people who have come alive.” ~ Howard Thurman

You are here for a reason! Your soul is eternally calling you in the direction of your highest path. The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away. When you find your gift, you would have found what lights you up. And when you find what lights you up, your calling is to give it away.

We follow our calling by following what lights us up. Your light is contagious. Your inner light is craving to be shared by those around you, by the world at large – but mostly by you. When you share your unique light bit by bit, you light up lives around you. And one by one, you inspire them to light up too. It’s a chain reaction. And before long the whole world lights up. Your light is contagious.
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posted by | on Being Healthy, Breakthrough Shadow Coaching,, Inspiring, Living on purpose, Personal Development, Relationship Coaching, Self-development, Uncategorized, Vision | Comments Off on Relationships With High Calling

When my wife and I made the conscious choice to enter into a conscious relationship and eventually get married we surrendered to our Inner Beloved to express a relationship with a high calling. Relationships with high callings can develop in any facet of life.

Their hallmark is this: two or more people coming together to create a third or fourth or fifth something, which is inspired and serves more than their ego’s desires. On a deep level, they are committed, not only to each other, but to expressing the spiritual world.
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A New Year Call….


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What call will you answer this 2015?

Have you given any thought to your highest mission? In the H.I.P. community we would like to remind you what we are up to and how you can be a part of the movement. Our highest vision is a world that works for all. What does it mean to create a world that works for all?
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posted by | on Breakthrough Shadow Coaching,, Inspirational, Inspiring Visions, Integrative Coach, Life Coaching, Living on purpose, purpose, Relationship Coaching, Self-development, transformation | Comments Off on Allow Intuition To Guide You

“H.I.P. people are grateful to know that going against their intuition only leads to misery. Be H.I.P. Follow your intuition” ~ Coach T

Being on the go in the norm in today’s society. In fact one is expected to be constantly connected and moving whether in thoughts or deeds. The more apps and gadgets you have at your disposal is perhaps directly correlated to your importance and busyness and to how informed you are as a citizen of the world. It is becoming increasingly imperative to give into the demand of constant connection.

Having the opportunity to see the different age population make their adjustments is fascinating. The younger folks are more easily sold on this way of life ( be mindful some of them are not familiar with any other way). Usually during some one-off occasions I will meet a youth that is apprehensive and refuse to be caught in the web. The truth revealed is that the ones I have met are more closely related to a family situation where (1) they are fully aware of the old ways of doing things (2) their guardians are in absolute resistance of the new way too. The mature generation is also just as fascinating. Some are in total fear and resistance while some are jumping in head first, not to be left behind.
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posted by | on Awareness, Being Healthy, Breakthrough Shadow Coaching, Healthy Living,, Inspirational, Inspiring, Integrative Coach, Life Coaching, Living on purpose, purpose, Relationship Coaching, Shadow Work, transformation | Comments Off on Divine Is Not In Confusion

“H.I.P. people know that confusion is a game we play to keep ourselves stuck in mediocrity. Be H.I.P. Practice trusting your heart.” ~ Coach T

There is an old proverb that says “God is not in confusion” (substitute God for what is appropriate to you) and I cannot tell you how many times this mantra / proverb has parted the red seas of my mind. By simply breathing in and repeating it to self a few times I have been able to pause and gather myself.

Often times you will find that whenever a shift or decision needs to be made some stuff will present itself before you. This usually happen because of fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of the repercussions or fear of the newness that is seeking to express itself in your life.  There are also times when you experience gridlock in communication, with no solutions in sight…. Divine is not in confusion! Getting a clear sense of direction is very important during these times. In fact it is best to refrain from any or all life altering decisions when confusion is your state.
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NO Is My New YES


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“Healthy, Inspiring, Purposeful people let their life be a mission, not an intermission, they know that they are here for a purpose and on purpose. Be H.I.P. Trust and discover your mission, then say yes to it and no to everything else.” ~ Coach T

I recently heard this song by Karen Drucker: I’ve spent my life with a disease to please, I say yes, when I really meant to. But now I’ve seen the light and I feel the time has come for me to say, there is something I need to know: “No is my new yes.

When I say no I’m saying yes to me. When I say no, I set myself free. I’ve been living my life, living to please, full of effort and struggle and not enough ease. I’ve been a such a good boy, but now I know when I’m untrue to me, I lose a piece of my soul. No is my new yes. I thought to be nice. I had to be nice doing what others wanted, but I am paying the price.
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This Is It….


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“Purposeful people know that the time will never be just right. Be H.I.P. Don’t wait for the right time. NOW is the right and the only time.” ~ Coach T

Confession time, here I am preparing to blog this wonderful message to you all and my eyes caught hold of the calendar and a moment of panic / realization kicks in. Yikes! the year is almost ending and there is a slew of items that has to be prepared. Whoa, what have I or we accomplished all year.

Breathe….  and I am back to this moment, the only moment. How many times have you been jolted by the concept of time and the list of to do? We have all been zapped into this concept that 24 hours is no longer enough. Technology and the fast demand of our attention really doesn’t support our energies either. Everything appears to be moving constantly. Sometimes I even get caught in the guilty measure of spending times with friends, whether in person or on the phone, and yet my attention is split to cooking or computer.
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posted by | on H.I.P. Coaches, Healthy Living,, Integrative Coach, Life Coaching, Personal Development, Relationship Coaching, Shadow Work, Spirituality, transformation, Uncategorized | Comments Off on The H.I.P.™ Movement Comes To You

H.I.P.™ Coaches are here to support you in closing the gap between“Where You Are & Where You Desire To Be.”  We Do This Through A Number Of Services:

One – One – One Coaching

Group Coaching

Relationship Coaching

Tuesday Noonday Meditation and much more!

If You Are Ready To Be H.I.P.™ …. To Live A Life Of Being Healthy, Inspiring Visions And Living On Purpose Then Invite Us Out To YOU! Gather Your Friends, Family And Co-Workers Into A Comfortable Space And Let Us Teach Them The Tools And Skills Needed To Live A H.I.P.™ Life. Do You Own Or Know Of A Business That Could Use These Tools? We Go To Businesses Too…

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posted by | on Awareness, H.I.P. Coaches, Inspirational, Personal Development, Self-development, Spiritual, transformation | Comments Off on Embracing The Moments

Oh boy, did I have a day yesterday. My favorite friend “Self – Talk” was close by the whole way through. There are moments when we are asked to step up and out a little higher and that was the case for me yesterday. With each step I am learning so much more about myself and I am allowing all of me to be okay ( after all this is how I have transformed my life thus far). What I am getting in each moment is that transformation never ends – it is really a knowing that “we are always in a state of becoming” – BOOM
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