Posts Tagged ‘transformational’

posted by | on Awareness,, Inspiration, Inspirational, Inspiring, leadership, Living on purpose, Personal Development, purpose, Self-development | Comments Off on 10 Commandments of Leadership

One of our staple business expense is an annual subscription to Success Magazine.

It is perhaps one of the most exciting times to the mail box monthly and then of course there is that fight of who gets to listen to the cd first. But we enjoy this magazine because it is current and rich with information that supports us as entrepreneurs to consistently live on purpose. The information is practical and for me I am always excited to see who is on the cover and what insights can I get to take us to the next level.

I don’t remember what issue we got these commandments from but if you aren’t a subscriber we want to share this information with you so that you too can be inspired. Get the magazine monthly, you will definitely not be disappointed! Share with us if you are already practicing any of these commandments, which and how is it working for you:
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7 Steps To Having No Problems

We would love to share with you “7 of our most favorite steps to having no problems” in your life as taken from Coachville coaching materials, which Coach T is also trained in.

We are certain if practiced, these tools will open your life to experience more joy.

  1. Hang out exclusively with people who have zero problems. This may require a new address book.
  2. Simplify your life. A complicated life is a request for problems.
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posted by | on Awareness, Healthy Living,, Life Coaching, Personal Development, Self-development, transformation | Comments Off on Discipline As A Practice

Here is a thought for you to ponder on Discipline at a higher level:

“Rules should arise out of your understanding. They should not be imposed from the outside. Discipline should not be slavery. All true discipline is self-discipline and self-discipline is never against freedom. Only disciplined people become free, but their discipline is not obedience to others: their discipline is obedience to their own voice.”
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Who Has The Power?


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Power means to be able.

The Nature Of Power Is:

  • To Do
  • To Accomplish
  • To Produce
  • To Make
  • To Master
Movement of Power

When we think as a victim – we think something is happening to me

When we think in terms of manipulation – we think something is happening by me

When we think in terms of ourselves as channels – we think something is happening through me

When we think of just being – whatever is happening is happening as me
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posted by | on Breakthrough Shadow Coaching, Healthy Living, Inspirational, Integrative Coach, Life Coaching, Personal Development, Self-development, Shadow Work, Spirituality, transformation, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Authenticity: The Art of Knowing Yourself

“Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is enlightenment.” ~ Lao Tzu

How well do you know yourself, I mean really know yourself? The first essential aspect of living a more authentic life is to know who we truly are at the deepest level. Some of us may be more aware of ourselves than others. Knowing ourselves, like being authentic itself, is a life long process. The more intentional we are about this, the more we can grow and evolve.

Given our depth, complexity and constant evolution as human beings, it’s not possible for us to get to a point in life at which we know everything about ourselves. However the majority of us stay pretty unconscious and unaware of ourselves for much of our lives – which often causes a great deal of confusion and suffering for us and those around us. Our goal, therefore, is to continue to discover more and more about who we really are as we go through our journey.
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Being Still In Love


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The mornings when I am reminded to be still seem to be the day when clarity seeks to emerge. When the path for my desires look me in the eyes and say here I am at your beckon call.  What will you do now?

The whole of life experiences exist solely in this moment. How I choose to react in this moment will define how life shows up in the next moment. Okay I get this Spirit and…..

Humbly I recognize that the space of transformation takes courage and oh so much humility, righteous positions crumble to the voice of my Divinity and then I empty and return to my breathe. The little “coincidences” and miracles that use to jolt me for weeks now takes a day and then I remember who I am.
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A Contract For You


posted by | on Awareness, Breakthrough Shadow Coaching, Coaching, H.I.P. Coaches,, Inspiration, Inspirational, Inspiring, Integrative Coach, Life Coaching, Personal Development, Self-development, Shadow Work, Spirituality, transformation | 2 comments

“Healthy, Inspiring, Purposeful people know that vision without action is a fantasy. Action without vision is chaos. Be H.I.P. Become aware of your vision and then move into action.” ~ Coach T

ITS YOUR YEAR!! Remember that 2013 is now in the history books and whether it was a great or not so great year its now GONE! Enjoy what you learned in 2013 and let’s make it a great year in 2014. Our advice is to write a CONTRACT to yourself.

Here’s how you do it:

– Write down all the goals that you would like to achieve this year

– Add dates to each goal

– Prioritize each goal based on importance

– Monitor & Track each goal weekly, monthly & quarterly to make sure you’re on track

– Same time next year simply review all accomplishments!You will be truly amazed at the progress and it gives you another perspective on how to approach life. You can literally write your life out on paper and the only thing standing in your way is YOU.

Remember this:
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A Plan For 2014


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The way you live these first 30 days of 2014

Will profoundly shape the way the whole year will unfold. Wake up to your life today… Here are 10 of the finest strategies we know to make your highest ambitions come true…

1. In order to succeed have a vision, goals, plans, structure, tools and action.

2. Do a daily goal review: Every morning take 5 minutes to reread and then actually rewrite your top 5 goals for 2014.

3. Go complaint free: Go on a 90 day complaint free diet. You energize the problems you vocalize.
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posted by | on Awareness, Breakthrough Shadow Coaching, Coaching, Declutter, Healthy Living,, Inspiration, Inspiring, Life Coaching, Personal Development, Self-development, Shadow Work, transformation | Comments Off on Beyond The New Year, New You Concept

Oops it’s on us again, another year to get it right.

The last two months of 2013 saw us going through a lot of changes. Some life altering and some were the usual practices we have as a family. My attempt to evaluate and declutter is simply a natural mechanism for me now. I have been practicing this for so long. Even if I unconsciously forget what month it is I will find myself making a list of the areas in the house to sort out, prepping new goals that are coming into my awareness and a burst of energy to clean from top to bottom.

For many this new year, new you concept is just that a concept. Everyone seems to be on the bandwagon of change and commitment but then a few weeks in the year and the excitement is all gone. The commitments are all forgotten dreams and desires vaporize like a pipe dream. However, this is a natural phase as what humankind is attempting to do is create a new habit and this is quite a challenging task. Creating new habits are comparable to rewriting what’s written in your subsconscious. All that stuff that is presently there has been written over time, ions of life and is second nature to you.
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posted by | on Awareness, H.I.P. Coaches,, Inspirational, Integrative Coach, Life Coaching, Personal Development, Self-development, Shadow Work, transformation | Comments Off on Are You Willing To Experience Peace?

Listening to the still small voice within is an art form.

It requires us to sit still not just in body but also in mind. How does that work you might ask, when the mind is never still or quiet – practice have moments of pause is the clue. Glimpse or moments of clarity can support you in the practice.

One of the principles we expose at Charles & Shakira Unlimited is that your life is always an outward picture of what is happening on the inside. Is it possible to look out and get a clue on were you are heading? Absolutely!! Are you experiencing peace and order? Or does  your life look like confusion and chaos?
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