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“H.I.P. people are grateful to know that going against their intuition only leads to misery. Be H.I.P. Follow your intuition” ~ Coach T

Being on the go in the norm in today’s society. In fact one is expected to be constantly connected and moving whether in thoughts or deeds. The more apps and gadgets you have at your disposal is perhaps directly correlated to your importance and busyness and to how informed you are as a citizen of the world. It is becoming increasingly imperative to give into the demand of constant connection.

Having the opportunity to see the different age population make their adjustments is fascinating. The younger folks are more easily sold on this way of life ( be mindful some of them are not familiar with any other way). Usually during some one-off occasions I will meet a youth that is apprehensive and refuse to be caught in the web. The truth revealed is that the ones I have met are more closely related to a family situation where (1) they are fully aware of the old ways of doing things (2) their guardians are in absolute resistance of the new way too. The mature generation is also just as fascinating. Some are in total fear and resistance while some are jumping in head first, not to be left behind.

This is where we are folks – life is happening and technology is taking us at speeds faster than some are ready for. Within the constant connection the ongoing conversation surrounds the need to create balance in our life. The heavy reliance on instant answers is weakening  our awareness of our instinctive nature, especially for those who are not willing to practice the art of deep listening. I often see even in the students I teach on a daily basis the difficulty in thinking and comprehending.

The inevitable condition is that misery results from moving away from using our intuition. Your intuitive faculty is your direct link to your purpose and mission and without the consistent use of it one will move further and further away from the path they are to take. If utilized your intuition will guide your steps out of harms way and also into living the life you’re meant to live.  For example sometimes you will hear people say ” I was in the right place at the right time” when really it should have been “I followed my instinct and I ended up here.”

Practice this week to check in with your gut – and to move and live from the nudges you receive. Challenge yourself to unplug and allow your intuitive faculty to be louder that the gadgets around you. You will be glad you did it the H.I.P. way!


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